Devices list

List of supported devices

Showing 12,961-12,980 of 13,615 items.
Samsung Z105
Released 2004, Q1, 132g, 26mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 17...
Motorola MPx100
Cancelled, 130g, 22mm thickness, Microsoft Smartphone 2003, 64MB storage, S...
Motorola MPx
Released 2004, Q1, 174g, 24mm thickness, Microsoft PocketPC 2003 SE, 32MB s...
Panasonic P341i
Released 2004, Q1, 92g, 24mm thickness, Feature phone, 5MB storage, no card...
NEC e313
Released 2004, Q1, 126g, 20mm thickness, Feature phone, 19MB storage, Memor...
Sagem MY V-75
Released 2004, Q1, 106g, 22mm thickness, Feature phone, 4MB storage, no car...
alcatel OT 835
Released 2004, Q1, 88g, 20mm thickness, Feature phone, 3MB storage, no card...
Motorola MPx220
Released 2004, Q1, 110g, 24.3mm thickness, Microsoft Smartphone 2003, 64MB ...
Sewon SG-5000
Released 2002, 90g, 22mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 128x128...
Innostream INNO 100
Released 2003, Q4, 80g, 20mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 128...
Innostream INNO 110
Released 2003, Q4, 80g, 20mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 128...
Innostream INNO 120
Released 2003, Q4, 81g, 23.3mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 1...
Innostream INNO 80
Released 2004, Q1, 97g, 22mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 128...
Innostream INNO 90
Released 2004, Q1, 88g, 26mm thickness, Feature phone, 4MB storage, no card...
Motorola A768i
Released 2004, Q1, 120g, 21mm thickness, Linux, 96MB storage, no card slot,...
Motorola C205
Released 2004, Q1, 84g, 20mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot,  , 98x...
Motorola A630
Released 2004, Q1, 100g, 23mm thickness, Feature phone, 5MB storage, no car...
Motorola C380/C385
Released 2004, Q1, 80g, 20.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 1.8MB storage, no ...
Siemens CX65
Released 2004, February, 90g, 18mm thickness, Feature phone, 11MB storage, ...
Siemens CF62
Released 2004, February, 85g, 22mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot, ...