Devices list

List of supported devices

Showing 10,881-10,900 of 13,591 items.
Samsung E1117
Released 2009, 76.8g, 15.7mm thickness, Feature phone, 1.5MB storage, no ca...
Vodafone V720
Released , 100g, 16.8mm thickness, Feature phone, 32MB storage, microSD slo...
Motorola MC55
Released 2009, May, 336g, 27mm thickness, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 Prof...
Samsung S5230 Star
Released 2009, May, 93.5g, 11.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 50MB storage, m...
Samsung S5600 Preston
Released 2009, June, 96g, 12.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 80MB storage, mi...
Samsung C275
Released 2008, 74g, 19.8mm thickness, Feature phone, 600 KB storage, no car...
Motorola ZN300
Released 2009, May, 103g, 15mm thickness, Linux / Java-based MOTOMAGX, 8MB ...
Mitac MIO Explora K70
Released 2009, Q3, 115g, 11.9mm thickness, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional,...
alcatel OT-600
Released 2009, May, 90g, 11.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 2MB storage, micr...
alcatel OT-363
Released 2009, 73g, 19.6mm thickness, Feature phone, 2MB storage, no card s...
alcatel OT-303
Released 2009, 66g, 12.1mm thickness, Feature phone, 2MB storage, no card s...
alcatel OT-280
Released 2009, March, 88g, 19mm thickness, Feature phone, 500 KB storage, n...
alcatel OT-202
Released 2009, February, 69g, 12.5mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot...
alcatel OT-111
Released 2009, February, 60g, 12.5mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot...
alcatel OT-102
Released 2009, February, 69g, 18.5mm thickness, Feature phone, No card slot...
Asus P835
Released 2009, May, 148g, 13.8mm thickness, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 Pr...
Palm Pre
Released 2009, October, 133g, 16.9mm thickness, Palm webOS, 8GB storage, no...
Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60
Released 2009, October, 137g, 14mm thickness, Linux, 4GB 128MB RAM storage,...
Garmin-Asus nuvifone M20
Released 2009, September, 99g, 12.8mm thickness, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6...
Samsung C6625
Released 2009, March, 109g, 11.9mm thickness, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 ...