Devices list

List of supported devices

Showing 10,861-10,880 of 13,591 items.
Sharp 923SH
Released 2008 July, 132g, 18.6mm thickness, Feature phone, 100MB storage, m...
Sharp 825SH
Released 2008, July, 105g, 14.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 50MB storage, m...
Samsung A877 Impression
Released 2009, April, 150g, 15mm thickness, Feature phone, 190MB storage, m...
LG Xenon GR500
Released 2009, April, 108g, 15.8mm thickness, Feature phone, 80MB storage, ...
Samsung Propel Pro
Released 2009, April, 137g, 15mm thickness, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 St...
Samsung V820L
Released 2008, 103g, 18mm thickness, Feature phone, 28MB storage, microSD (...
LG GM200 Brio
Released 2009, June, 85g, 14.4mm thickness, Feature phone, 14MB storage, mi...
Sony Ericsson T707
Released 2009, May, 95g, 14.1mm thickness, Feature phone, 100MB storage, Me...
Samsung T629
Released 2006, Q3, 91g, 14mm thickness, Feature phone, 17MB storage, microS...
Vertu Signature S
Released 2008, October, From 166g to 238g, 13mm thickness, Feature phone, 4...
Vertu Ascent Ti
Released 2008, April, 160g, 13.1mm thickness, Feature phone, 4GB storage, n...
Samsung C270
Released 2008, 74g, 19.8mm thickness, Feature phone, 600 KB storage, no car...
LG KF245
Released 2008, 91g, 16mm thickness, Feature phone, 20MB storage, microSD sl...
Samsung C5220
Released 2009, March, 100g, 18.2mm thickness, Feature phone, 35MB storage, ...
LG KC560
Released 2009, 100g, 14.9mm thickness, Feature phone, 30MB storage, microSD...
Samsung B2100 Xplorer
Released 2009, April, 102.8g, 17.4mm thickness, Feature phone, 7MB storage,...
Philips Xenium X530
Released 2009, 95g, 18.7mm thickness, Feature phone, 32MB storage, microSD ...
Nokia 5030 XpressRadio
Released 2009, June, 82g, 15mm thickness, Feature phone, 8MB storage, no ca...
Nokia 5330 XpressMusic
Released 2010, May, 113g, 14mm thickness, Feature phone, 70MB storage, micr...
Nokia 5730 XpressMusic
Released 2009, June, 135g, 15.4mm thickness, Symbian, S60 rel. 3.2, 100MB 1...